June 27, 2019


The Storm

We had made it to Lubbock.  A long anticipated trip of spending time with family, meeting a new addition, loving on cousins, grandparents, aunts, and uncles, and starting to relax after a busy few months of activities we had chosen to participate in for the kids. A family outing—going to the drive in with everyone to see Toy Story 4–a movie I know my kids were excited about. The skies were blue, the wind wasn’t really blowing, and we arrived...

Walk With Me…A Desire to Start Fresh

“Walk with me” We all know someone who thinks they can do it all.  Right?  Someone who thinks they know best, that they alone can accomplish the task, they have all the answers, they are right.  Well, as much as I hate to admit it, that someone is me. I often think I know best…but I don’t. I usually can accomplish it alone…but I shouldn’t. I don’t have all the answers…but I convince myself I do. I’m not right near...

The Waiting Room

The waiting room…the place where the proverbial rubber meets the road.  If you haven’t spent hours in one, you will sometime in the future. Time seems suspended there. Sometimes you keep checking the clock every five minutes to little avail. Sometimes you realize it is already hours later and you haven’t eaten, slept or bathed. Minutes or hours or days seem to meld together into a surreal blob. Sometimes you don’t know if the sun is shining or clouds fill...

God is Present in the Details

A common colloquialism is “the devil is in the details”.  Just another way Satan is trying to usurp the throne.   GOD is PRESENT in the details! Studying the Bible I am regularly amazed at the details God interweaves into scripture, events and our personal lives. When we are introspective and DO NOT accept things at face value, we will see GOD.  He leaves his fingerprints during events for us to see and to know he is constantly working in our...