January 23, 2021


What is in your book?

John 21:25 “Jesus did many other things as well. If every one of them were written down, I suppose that even the whole world would not have room for the books that would be written.” Two dear friends of mine have recently lost their husbands. It is heartbreaking, hard and so sad for those left here on this earth. But, as Christians, we find hope in the lives that were lived while on earth…we find our healing in the “book...

For all the Sons

A couple of months ago, I wrote a blog to the daughters. It was widely shared and I have wanted to write one to all the sons in my life. The grandboys weren’t too keen on getting together for a ‘boy” picture, but when we dressed in Star Wars pajamas, WIN! To Ezra, Parker, Tucker and Jameson; to my one-and-only son Jarod, to my beloved sons-in-love Curtis and Clay, and all the amazing sons in my life that I have...

When you just aren’t the person for the job

It’s a brand-new fresh year. A new beginning! And when have we all felt weneeded hope, dreams, and plans more than now? We’ve all learned to cope with plans falling through, events being canceled, loneliness, and unspeakable loss this year. At the turn of a fresh slate, we crave to hope against hope and step into this new year undaunted at what should come our way. Because the struggle has brought with it resilience. So we’ve sat down, poured our...