For all the Sons

January 16, 2021

A couple of months ago, I wrote a blog to the daughters. It was widely shared and I have wanted to write one to all the sons in my life. The grandboys weren’t too keen on getting together for a ‘boy” picture, but when we dressed in Star Wars pajamas, WIN!

To Ezra, Parker, Tucker and Jameson; to my one-and-only son Jarod, to my beloved sons-in-love Curtis and Clay, and all the amazing sons in my life that I have taught and loved in my sixty years …

Professional athletes, the business world, rap, and Hollywood do not define you. It is not empowering to use other people as objects. Objects are discarded; people have eternal souls. You are accountable to God for how you treat people. Most professional athletes find themselves broke, alone, and discarded when the games are played out. It is easy to bask in the limelight of success but when the lights are turned off, only your soul remains. Your physical and mental gifts are only given to you for a time; your soul is eternal. Feed your soul the truth.

You are not defined by your physical strength, your looks, or your athletic ability. You will be remembered for your character, your compassion, your mercy, and your love for others. How you treat the least of these will be the measure of your life.

You are smart and strong. You have the ability to make wise decisions when your mind is at peace with God. Hold your tongue in anger. You will never regret holding your word in when you are angry. You will always regret words spoken in anger. Wait, just wait, and sometimes wait some more. The Lord doesn’t answer when we think he should. HE answers when it is right.

Join a team…any team. Learn to be a part of something bigger than yourself. Learn to sit the bench. Learn to lose. Learn to win with grace. Learn to encourage your teammates. It’s easy to heap on criticism. You will carry lessons for the rest of your life when you are part of a team. If you are on a losing team, count yourself lucky. There you will learn some of the greatest lessons of being a man.

Admit when you are wrong. You will be. Fall on your proverbial sword. Your loved ones will remember an apology rather than stubborn pride.

You were created by God with strong charge to PROTECT. Use your strength to protect the weak, the ignored and the marginalized. Strength was given to you for such a purpose. Strength was never meant by God to be used to make people feel less. It was given to you to fight Satan not other image-bearers of God.

Find something you love and do it! Throw yourself into it. You have a God-given role in the kingdom. Find it. Excel in it.

There are seasons in life. Enjoy them all but understand that they do not define you. I promise that none of us would go back to middle school. Do not wish away seasons of your life. It has an important role in making you the man God wants you to be.

Wait for the woman God has created for you. She is being prepared for you. You have the most responsibility in this. Your submission to Christ and loving her the way Christ loved the Church is the foundation for her submission to you. Every woman in the world would love a husband unconditionally that loves her as Christ loves the church. It is very possible to stay sexually pure and wait. The world tells you differently. Sexuality is given to you as a gift. Don’t diminish what God intended for good.

There is nothing you can’t do or get through when you rest safely in the arms of Christ. HE is an ancient fortress that cannot be brought down with whatever the world slings at you. Hard times will come. Prepare for them. Hide scriptures and hymns in your heart. They will strengthen you when you need them most.

Worship and pray when you do not feel like it. Be grateful when you do not want to be.

Pray. Talk to God. Simple prayers, rambling prayers, desperate prayers, confused prayers, angry prayers all enter the throne room. No flowery words are necessary. Wrestle with God. HE never is offended by honest pain. The Spirit intervenes for you personally.

Laugh. Eat. PLAY. Smile. Read. Wrestle. Hunt. Fish. You are a glorious part of Creation, so enjoy it. It was created for your benefit. It will restore your strength when you travel with the Lord. Touch the land. Build and create.

Cry. It’s ok to cry. Jesus wept for Lazarus and HE knew the ending already.

Watch your mouth. Sarcasm and profanity show weakness. You were made to be strong.

Be adventurous. Fight for what God wants. Movies like Braveheart, Star Wars, Avengers and Rocky stir you. You were made to protect, to fight for truth and justice. You are a warrior in the eternal struggle against evil. You have a part. Be strong and courageous girded in the armor of the Lord. It’s not just a childhood VBS song. It’s a very real spiritual war going on for your family and friends. Lead them. Fight for them.

Know that somethings are not fixed this side of heaven. They just won’t. All things work for good in the Kingdom but it never says all things are good. Don’t let it fester. Don’t give into discouragement . It’s only one battle in a lifelong war. Skirmishes don’t determine outcomes. Leaders do. And you have the Creator of the universe in your camp.

Sacrifice for the ones you love. Put yourself second. The greatest Father did the same for you.

Remember where you have been, where you are going and who you belong to. The blessings of God are generational. You have been prayed for by your long line of faith before you knew you needed it.

Go serve someone today. God has already placed them there for you to find.

Maranatha! Jayme

More about Jayme Stokes