“Woven Together” – a Gathering of Friends

November 23, 2021

Months ago we began dreaming of the time women could once again gather to study, sing, pray and fellowship. We dreamed of days set aside solely to focus on how we have been and are being “woven together” through our Father – a retreat (but not a retreat), a conference (but not a conference). I tend to get hung up on definitions and these two words just really caused an inner struggle. Please bear with me a moment. The word retreat is a beautiful word. It feels soft and encouraging – it feels…private. I don’t know about you but personally I believe we have had enough private for a while. So next up for consideration was the word conference. However, this word seemed so formal, a tad business like. “Come and sit, listen, learn, take notes”…not exactly the welcoming and warm fuzzy feeling we were searching for.

Then it hit – Gathering – The word “gathering” brings back sweet memories of shared history in the company of family and friends. Cups of hot cocoa or coffee were often consumed and time seemed endless as stories, laughter, tears, encouragement and wisdom were shared. More often than not there was usually a bit of loving advice woven into those conversations. Sharing those moments allowed us to see how we had been woven together day after day, year after year.

“It is threads, hundreds of tiny threads which weave people together throughout the years.”

Those “gatherings” have been our inspiration as these weekends were planned. We want to see how history has woven us into His Story. We want to see how His truth and wisdom can be woven into our lives to make us stronger. We want to see how His grace and mercy transform us into women who stand tall and confident knowing we have freedom through our Savior.

It is time to gather as women who love the Lord. It is time to make new sweet memories and begin weaving our lives together once again.

New Testament Christians understood that relationships with one another were essential. They understood the need to be “WOVEN TOGETHER.” “…devoting themselves to the apostles’ teaching and fellowship, they broke bread together in communion and offered prayers…all who believed were together and they had all things in common…they distributed to all who had need…they worshipped together and broke bread in their homes…they praised God…” Acts 2:42-47pp We are no different.


a gathering of friends

This is a time for women to “gather” and be encouraged. A time to worship…to praise God. A time to see how we have been woven into His Story and into the lives of others. A time to ask the question “What am I intentionally weaving into my life?” Whether you choose to join us in Franklin, KY or Brenham, TX you will be uplifted and encouraged. Here is just a peek into who and what you have to look forward to:

“Woven Together in His Story” Jayme Stokes

“Woven Together in Truth” Lori Boyd (KY), Beth Brown (TX)

“Woven Together Through Grace & Mercy” Suzanne Gillson (KY) Lori Hutson (TX)

“Woven Together By Transformed Lives” Leigh Ann Nichols

Jenn Tolbert will be our worship leader in Texas.

This is just a tiny taste of what is planned for you. We have prayerfully considered each aspect of this gathering and feel God has already opened so many doors to make it happen. Please join us for one of these very special weekends of study. Make the decision to be “Woven Together.” Click the links on our new Shop page to register for the weekend of your choice.

“And though a man might prevail against one who is alone, two will withstand him –

a threefold cord is not quickly broken.”

Ecclesiastes 4:12

We can’t wait to meet you,

for the team – Lee Ann

If you need additional information please feel free to message us

More about Lee Ann Kemp