April 29, 2021


Lessons from a Fruit Basket (For the Class of 2021)

Sometimes you have those moments where you know why Jesus tells us to be like little children… My 7 year old daughter Karis came home with a lesson she had learned in Bible from her 1st grade classroom.  Earlier that day, I had been asked to fill in to lead the Senior Blessing with our Class of 2021 girls…at that moment, the light switched flipped.   Instead of “All I Really Need to Know I Learned in Kindergarten” (or 1st grade)–why...

Even If…In the Midst of a Fire

Am I your God?  A question I imagine our Heavenly Father asking me.  A question fitting and requires an honest answer.   This world is not our home.  But…we are here.  We are here fulfilling the purpose of glorifying our Heavenly Father. During that journey though, there will be times we may feel the pressure.  There will be times we may feel we are being pressured into a fiery furnace because we don’t bow down to the idols surrounding us. Sound...

One Year Later

As I sit in an airport delayed by snow showers in Flagstaff, I started pondering this past year.  I was in an airport almost a year to the day in Washington, D.C.  when we got the Flatten the Curve request.   A year later, I am wearing a mask, sitting six feet from my neighbor, one dose of vaccine completed, and well-versed in using apps to order takeout and groceries. I am the queen of great memes.  I was asked how...