Life at Rockin’ N Farms has become a little more interesting. A *certain* little girl talked her daddy into some goats and at the end of April, four cute little boys made their home in our back pasture and barn with the donkeys. When the call came through that they were ready, we had to scramble to get an area set aside for them because of their size. We felt it was best for the donkeys to get used to their new friends and have them separated at the moment.
Building that pen was interesting though. There are two stalls in the barn. One is designated for the donkeys, but we used the other one for chickens when we had our last flock. There was a small opening to allow the chickens to roam in and out at their will, but, thinking that the door was not quite big enough for the goats, Jody decided to cut it a little larger before leaving to get the goats.
After arriving home from school/basketball practice, I went to the back to help get some other things ready before their arrival. Much to my surprise, a donkey was in the middle of the barn where we keep all of the feed in the perspective buckets. Eeyore had made his way into the small entry point and was enjoying quite a feast. This was no small feat. I have no idea how he squeezed himself through the new door and made his way into that stall and food. The look of guilt on his face is one I will never forget.
After securing the area a little more, the four goats safely arrived and were placed in the stall until we could build a temporary fence. Jody and Jackson worked diligently and the goats were let out to roam in their new space.
Of course–the goats found the ONE hole and escaped to the rest of the pasture.
Thankfully, after some coaxing with some feed, we were able to wrangle them from the larger pasture to be placed back in the much smaller fenced area.
IA verse in Colossians infers boundaries.
As you, therefore, have received Christ Jesus the Lord, so walk in Him.
—Colossians 2:6
Walk in Him. In order to walk in Him, those boundaries must be set by Him.
We must ensure we are living within the confines of what He wants from us. The world is quick to skew those lines, but the world’s lines cannot be our standards. For a long time, I replaced using the word “Bible” with something else. Bible is not a bad word, but for me, when I replaced it with His Word, it brought out a whole new appreciation. The words are spoken right from His very mouth. We know especially through studying Genesis and creation, that when He speaks, those words are POWERFUL. These words are the very beat of His heart. We must make sure our path is lit with His lamp and that He is establishing our steps.
I will instruct you and teach you in the way you should go. Psalm 32:8
Thy word is a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path. Psalm 119:105
The world likes to make us think that His word chains us. That in fact, is a lie. These words bring us freedom. They bring us hope. They bring us peace.
We must also have a vulnerable heart to follow His ways. We see a snippet of this from David in Psalm 25.
Guide me in your truth and teach me, for you are God my Savior, and my hope is in you all day long.
Psalm 25:5
David had all of the “world” you could possibly have. He had the title (King). He had power with an army at his expanse. He had the “things”. His worth was not found in those though. He found his worth in God. While David learned some things the hard way throughout His life, what he valued most was his relationship with God. That might be why he was referred to as “…a man after God’s own heart.”
Ladies, that can be you, too–a “woman after God’s own heart.”
I want to ask you to do a “fence” check. Is your fence secure? Is there a place that needs to be mended? He can. He will. He will mend it with grace and mercy.
“Search me, O Lord…” Psalm 139:23-24
Anchored to Him,
Leigh Ann