How do you like to study the Bible? Straight scripture? Scripture Writing? In depth study? Devotional style with questions? Do you enjoy topical studies or book by book? How about podcasts? Well, you are in luck! We’ve compiled a list of resources for you to find your perfect fit!
New Year = New Start.
The Bible has so much to offer each one of us but at its core, it simply offers hope. We encourage you to discover this hope through these study guides and podcasts. Discover the love of a Father who created all things just for us. A God who gave His Son so that we might one day go home to Him.
In 2025, let’s open His Word and read, write, study, and / or listen to the Words of our Father. A Father who loves us, who gives hope.
Proverbs 3:5-6
Trust in the Lord with all your heart,
and do not lean on your own understanding.
In all your ways acknowledge him,
and he will make straight your paths.
Study Guides:
Lori Boyd
Trailblazers – A study of little known women of the Old Testament whose stories are characterized by strength and influence.
Walking to the Promise Land – A study about intentional daily Christian living, based on “walking verses” in the Bible.
Hope Island – A study about characteristics of the church as a community built on hope. What should people in the world see when they look at the church?
Praying Through it – A study on the practice of prayer based on prayers of the Bible.

Carla Moore
“I am excited about what is coming up in 2025! We will write through the gospel of John, and then Paul’s first letter to the church at Corinth, and then the book of Ecclesiastes. Writing (copying) scripture has been life-changing for me. If you’d like to learn more about it, please read this blog post and see how it can change your life, too. I want to share the strength, peace, and comfort that comes from being in the Word…which is why I am so passionate about sharing this project with whoever will pick up Bible, paper, and pencil! Join us! –

Heather Pryor
I currently have three Bible studies for ladies with the latest being a study of the Titus 2 Woman. I’m working on more material for 2025 but do not have any release dates yet. “I love writing to encourage women to love the Lord and His word. It is my desire to motivate myself and others to diligently study God’s word that we may grow in the grace and knowledge of it.” ~ Here is the link:

Sheltered in Grace
A devotional/study guide. Taste and See is a study on the goodness of our God. A God who encourages us to find refuge in Him. A God who offers rest, redemption, accessibility, and an invitation to feast at His table. This 26-week study is written by 20 women who have all seen the goodness of God in their lives. Join us for 10-15 minutes a day as we “taste and see that the LORD is good.” There is also a Facebook page ‘Sheltered in Grace Book Club’ where we share our thoughts on the days study.

The Ruffled Mango
If you want to join us in our UNSHAKEN Scripture Writing for 2025, we’d love to have you! As always, we will be publishing the monthly plans on the blog a few days before the start of each month. But if you want to prepare ahead of time (or gift these Bible study tools during Christmas!), you can find several different options right here:

Katie Bell
“Joyful Journey Home” is a weekly ladies blog posted once a week. Each week an applicable topic is covered, and gives us hope for a home in Heaven.
“Marking The Way” is a YouTube channel Katie has just started. She will be covering all things Bible study, Bible marking, and Spiritual growth. She will be posting her own Bible Marking System developed while at Bear Valley Bible Institute.
“Rings Truth Ministries” is a shared family ministry website that Katie and her husband run. Together they create new tools for members to grow in their knowledge and confidence to grow the Kingdom. All her latest ministry projects can be found on their website. ”

Kathy Pollard and Carla Moore
Facebook page – Looking UP! With Kathy and Carla
YouTube link:

Katie Bell
“Just Bible No Fluff” is a weekly podcast by Katie. She hops right into an exegetical study over a short passage. Each episode ends with a challenge for the week.
The Ruffled Mango
It’s official! A Ruffled Mango Scripture Writing podcast is in the works for 2025! We’re going to be sharing new episodes every other week about our monthly scripture writing topics and WE CAN’T WAIT.
The team will take turns chatting about why we chose each specific topic and how each topic fits back into the UNSHAKEN theme for 2025. We also plan to talk about the daily scriptures we’ll all be writing, definitely doing a deeper dive into some of them. If you’re going to be following along in your Unshaken Scripture Writing Journal (or the Unshaken Scripture Writing Extras in digital form), we’ll also tackle some of those questions from each month! And we’ll even let you in on why we chose each graphics set.
It’s our prayer that this podcast will be a great resource for you, as you do your scripture writing individually or with friends! Stay tuned for more info and details about the upcoming podcast launch in January on The Light Network.
While this is not at all an exhaustive list perhaps it will give you a starting point for 2025!
Blessings on your study of His Word.
Lee Ann,
Sheltered in Grace