Jayme Stokes's


Mama Bear

When my oldest son (he’s 36) was in fifth grade, he was having trouble with his science teacher’s instructions to put headings on his science notecards. He just couldn’t remember to put his name, section and chapter numbers in the right order on every notecard. It was starting to affect his grade so I suggested we meet with his teacher, Mrs. Culpepper and see what we needed to do. His teacher was my friend and colleague so I thought it...

The Waiting Room

The waiting room…the place where the proverbial rubber meets the road.  If you haven’t spent hours in one, you will sometime in the future. Time seems suspended there. Sometimes you keep checking the clock every five minutes to little avail. Sometimes you realize it is already hours later and you haven’t eaten, slept or bathed. Minutes or hours or days seem to meld together into a surreal blob. Sometimes you don’t know if the sun is shining or clouds fill...

God is Present in the Details

A common colloquialism is “the devil is in the details”.  Just another way Satan is trying to usurp the throne.   GOD is PRESENT in the details! Studying the Bible I am regularly amazed at the details God interweaves into scripture, events and our personal lives. When we are introspective and DO NOT accept things at face value, we will see GOD.  He leaves his fingerprints during events for us to see and to know he is constantly working in our...

When Life Gets Messy…

When Life Gets Messy…Or…Job’s Friends Most of our life in scripture, we have had negative feelings and thoughts about Job’s friends.  In fact, they were condemned by God in Job 42:7-9 for their lengthy speeches. “After the Lord had said these things to Job, he said to Eliphaz the Temanite, “I am angry with you and your two friends, because you have not spoken the truth about me, as my servant Job has. So now take seven bulls and seven...

Don’t You Dare…

Don’t YOU dare take my word… When I was 20 years old, I was a student in a Bible class at my Christian University.  I did not come from a “churched” background and I was soaking up lots of amazing teachers and preachers that were shaping me into my role in the kingdom.  I took copious notes, read lots of books, immersed myself in Chapel services, highlighted my verses, took notes in the margins and took full advantage of my...

Elijah Moments part 2…Scampering to the Broom Tree

Welcome back to Part II of my perusings on my friend, Elijah.  As I wrote in my first blog, I have had my cupboard filled so many times with the oil and flour that only the Lord can provide.  I can’t even count the times HE has shown up when I was scared, tired, lonely, frightened, at loss for words or wisdom or broken.  The God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob has chased us since the Garden fiasco to redeem...

Elijah moments…

PART ONE:  Elijah moments… If you ever ask me my favorite character in the Bible, I am quick to say, Elijah! My fondness for Elijah began about 15 years ago when I was looking for a topic to teach in ladies Bible class.  I felt the Lord led me directly to my kindred spirit. I identify so much with this prophet of old. Every few days, I tend to smile and call an event, “an Elijah moment”. Let me share...