Lee Ann Kemp's


Planes, Trains & Automobiles…

“If you could choose anywhere in the world to go, where would it be?  I need a travel partner.” That’s the question my mom asked me several years ago. Traveling with anyone other than the hubs is not really something I had ever considered.  Mom changed all of that.  A little backstory…My Dad loved traveling…to football games.  They went to a LOT of them.  Mom wanted to “see the world” but Dad had served in the Korean War and had...


We live in a noisy world.  Our cell phones chirp, ding, ring, bark, honk, moo, quack….the list goes on.  I don’t know the last time I sat through anything where a phone did not make a sound.  Church included.  We get in the car and the radio plays, cars honk, children squeal.  Go to the movies and it’s surround sound loud enough to be heard 1/2 mile away (they have amazing soundproofing!).  We go to bed and a text comes...

Commit to Winning…

I’ve got this brother who coaches football.  He wins.  A lot.  Let me tell you why.  He teaches the value of commitment, respect, teamwork and leadership.  This is not a little sister brag post…it is a little sister who has watched a man teach young men how to be leaders on and off the field.  Coach Jones “teaches that life is not about you as an individual…it is about what you have to offer the team”. We have the same...

Boiling Sugar, Burns and Blisters

Boiling sugar is really REALLY HOT! Recently while making apple jelly, my hand and face found out the hard way just how hot it is!  I was ladling the hot mixture into jars as the last step before boiling to seal the lids.  I’m not sure what happened but all of the sudden the measuring cup is dropping into the pot which hits the wooden spoon which in turn slings the boiling hot mixture onto my face…my extended fingers never...

Walk With Me…A Desire to Start Fresh

“Walk with me” We all know someone who thinks they can do it all.  Right?  Someone who thinks they know best, that they alone can accomplish the task, they have all the answers, they are right.  Well, as much as I hate to admit it, that someone is me. I often think I know best…but I don’t. I usually can accomplish it alone…but I shouldn’t. I don’t have all the answers…but I convince myself I do. I’m not right near...

God gave Grace…

Every year I choose a word to study and consider.  A couple of years ago that word was grace and for several reasons,  I’ve returned to it.  For the last seven months….GRACE has been THE WORD I dwell on EVERY…SINGLE…DAY. Have you ever worked on something for awhile only to realize…”umm, this just isn’t working”?  A realization it is time to move on.  Last year, I worked with a friend on a project that really pushed me to grow.  It...

BIG Dreams, but a BIGGER God…

Sheltered – to be protected in – enclosed Grace – the favor of God Anidasa – HOPE in Ghanaian language of Twi Sheltered in Grace = HOPE for Ghana I believe in God’s family.  When blessed with an opportunity to help…we step up to the plate and get the job done.  That has been my experience throughout life with few exceptions.  Anyone who knows me understands that I am never shy when it comes to putting needs out there with...

Country Life Lessons…Have the Right Tool

The hubs and I moved to the country about ten years ago.  It was a HUGE change from city living.  There were a lot of lessons to be learned, some good…some not so good…some hard…and some were just simply entertaining.  Friends would eagerly await the next installment of “Country Life Lesson #____.  Here is just a sampling… Hay fork vs. car…who wins? When working around farm equipment, be aware.  If not, you will have an egg on your forehead from...