Leigh Ann Nichols's



What is my “why”?

Is it because I know I should be in the Word more (true as that is), or is there a deeper reason? The reward must be more meaningful than just checking off a box—it needs to connect to my growth and purpose in Christ.

Hidden in God

Technology has come a long way.  Just yesterday, we were warned that the afternoon might be a little dicey in Middle Tennessee with a flash flood watch and some weather.  While the extreme of what exactly might happen may not be exactly known due to extenuating factors, we had to be on alert.  Tracking the storms from the northwest and seeing the lightning strikes from the weather radars, we prepared.  As the storms approached with threats of 75 mph winds...

Boundaries–Lessons from Rockin’ N Farms

Life at Rockin’ N Farms has become a little more interesting. A *certain* little girl talked her daddy into some goats and at the end of April, four cute little boys made their home in our back pasture and barn with the donkeys. When the call came through that they were ready, we had to scramble to get an area set aside for them because of their size. We felt it was best for the donkeys to get used to...

Break the Ice

Like many of you across the United States, we in Middle Tennessee have experienced extremely low temps these past few days.  The boys have made several trips down to the donkeys to break the ice, feed, and check their well-being while bundling up.  We have had water dripping from pipes and have tried to conserve energy.   And…the pool.   Although we have winterized it as much as possible, it can be a little concerning.  When the pump can freely work, we...

Finding Ways to Serve–From a Teen’s Perspective

In the summer of 2005, Jody and I moved to Katy, TX for his “first” job after graduating from Texas Tech in May. The minute we walked into Katy church of Christ after moving there, it felt like “home.” While there, we met an awesome couple, Jeremy and Regina Ross, who quickly became our “family” and soon they shared with us the news they were expecting. We loved getting to share that exciting time with them: preparing the nursery, baby...

Lessons from a Fruit Basket (For the Class of 2021)

Sometimes you have those moments where you know why Jesus tells us to be like little children… My 7 year old daughter Karis came home with a lesson she had learned in Bible from her 1st grade classroom.  Earlier that day, I had been asked to fill in to lead the Senior Blessing with our Class of 2021 girls…at that moment, the light switched flipped.   Instead of “All I Really Need to Know I Learned in Kindergarten” (or 1st grade)–why...

Even If…In the Midst of a Fire

Am I your God?  A question I imagine our Heavenly Father asking me.  A question fitting and requires an honest answer.   This world is not our home.  But…we are here.  We are here fulfilling the purpose of glorifying our Heavenly Father. During that journey though, there will be times we may feel the pressure.  There will be times we may feel we are being pressured into a fiery furnace because we don’t bow down to the idols surrounding us. Sound...

Love Like Jesus

Over the course of the pandemic, we watched and worshiped with several congregations over the United States.  On one particular Lord’s day, we worshiped with Kingwood here in town and Green Lawn in Lubbock, TX. Both Brother Jeff Brown and Brother Dale Mannon had the same message: LOVE LIKE JESUS.   That afternoon, Jody decided it was time to install a basketball goal in the barn.  The directions said it took four capable adults to lift it and secure it into...

With JOY

He knew that the culture and worship of pagan gods were not right.  It did not provide peace or joy.  It did not “reach” or stir up others for a zeal that could be stirred for a lifetime and beyond.   So, he took it upon himself to draw as near as he could to God.  He traveled a far distance and sat outside of the temple thinking that was as close as he could get.   He loaded up in his...

Be the light! What would your review say about you?

Your life is not an ordinary life.  You may think it is, but it is not.  You have been called to be different.  You have been called to be transformed.  You have been called to be the light. Matthew 5:14-16 says:  You are the light of the world.  A city is set on the hill cannot be hidden.  Nor do they light a lamp and put it under a basket, but on a lampstand, and it gives light to all...