

Mama Bear

When my oldest son (he’s 36) was in fifth grade, he was having trouble with his science teacher’s instructions to put headings on his science notecards. He just couldn’t remember to put his name, section and chapter numbers in the right order on every notecard. It was starting to affect his grade so I suggested we meet with his teacher, Mrs. Culpepper and see what we needed to do. His teacher was my friend and colleague so I thought it...

Dead to Alive, Deer, and Weeds–A lesson from Rockin’ N Farms

We moved out to a little acreage in Tennessee four years ago this October and call our little haven Rockin’ N Farms.  We have added animals (cows, goats, donkeys, chickens)–and have many stories to tell……….. One of our first summers out here, my husband Jody decided to plow up some land for me to have a garden.  It was massive (which may have been in the eyes of the beholder)…and I lost total control of it.  Household duties, summer activities,...

Boiling Sugar, Burns and Blisters

Boiling sugar is really REALLY HOT! Recently while making apple jelly, my hand and face found out the hard way just how hot it is!  I was ladling the hot mixture into jars as the last step before boiling to seal the lids.  I’m not sure what happened but all of the sudden the measuring cup is dropping into the pot which hits the wooden spoon which in turn slings the boiling hot mixture onto my face…my extended fingers never...

The Storm

We had made it to Lubbock.  A long anticipated trip of spending time with family, meeting a new addition, loving on cousins, grandparents, aunts, and uncles, and starting to relax after a busy few months of activities we had chosen to participate in for the kids. A family outing—going to the drive in with everyone to see Toy Story 4–a movie I know my kids were excited about. The skies were blue, the wind wasn’t really blowing, and we arrived...

Walk With Me…A Desire to Start Fresh

“Walk with me” We all know someone who thinks they can do it all.  Right?  Someone who thinks they know best, that they alone can accomplish the task, they have all the answers, they are right.  Well, as much as I hate to admit it, that someone is me. I often think I know best…but I don’t. I usually can accomplish it alone…but I shouldn’t. I don’t have all the answers…but I convince myself I do. I’m not right near...

The Waiting Room

The waiting room…the place where the proverbial rubber meets the road.  If you haven’t spent hours in one, you will sometime in the future. Time seems suspended there. Sometimes you keep checking the clock every five minutes to little avail. Sometimes you realize it is already hours later and you haven’t eaten, slept or bathed. Minutes or hours or days seem to meld together into a surreal blob. Sometimes you don’t know if the sun is shining or clouds fill...

God is Present in the Details

A common colloquialism is “the devil is in the details”.  Just another way Satan is trying to usurp the throne.   GOD is PRESENT in the details! Studying the Bible I am regularly amazed at the details God interweaves into scripture, events and our personal lives. When we are introspective and DO NOT accept things at face value, we will see GOD.  He leaves his fingerprints during events for us to see and to know he is constantly working in our...

Turning the World Upside Down….

I think we can agree that we all want the world we live in to be a better place.  Sometimes the thought of it may cause headaches—it is too big of a task…too big of a job for me.  The thing is:  You were MADE to make a difference.  Ephesians 2:10 helps break that down.  “For we are His worksmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand that we should walk in them.”  You were put...

God gave Grace…

Every year I choose a word to study and consider.  A couple of years ago that word was grace and for several reasons,  I’ve returned to it.  For the last seven months….GRACE has been THE WORD I dwell on EVERY…SINGLE…DAY. Have you ever worked on something for awhile only to realize…”umm, this just isn’t working”?  A realization it is time to move on.  Last year, I worked with a friend on a project that really pushed me to grow.  It...

When Life Gets Messy…

When Life Gets Messy…Or…Job’s Friends Most of our life in scripture, we have had negative feelings and thoughts about Job’s friends.  In fact, they were condemned by God in Job 42:7-9 for their lengthy speeches. “After the Lord had said these things to Job, he said to Eliphaz the Temanite, “I am angry with you and your two friends, because you have not spoken the truth about me, as my servant Job has. So now take seven bulls and seven...