

My “Ode” to the Journey–A Sincere Heart

God desires from us sincerity..He wants us to have a sincere heart (Ephesians 6:5); a sincere mind (2 Peter 3:1), a sincere faith (1 Timothy 1:5), a sincere wisdom (James 3:17); a sincere devotion to Christ (2 Corinthians 11:3), and a sincere brotherly love for other Christians (1 Peter 1:22). That means He wants our whole heart in every area of our life.  He wants us to be authentic.  He wants us to be real. Most of you know that...

Finding the Quiet…

A few weeks ago, I was home alone. The entire night—I was home alone.  I can’t tell you the last time that happened; it was probably over 12 years ago.   The boys went on a trip to New Orleans for the Saints playoff game and Karis was asked to spend the night at a friend’s house.  I came home to an empty house (with the exception of three donkeys, two cows, two dogs, and 20 chickens) after coaching a basketball...

Friendship–No Better Friend Than Jesus (Part 1)

Two are better than one, Because they have a good reward for their labor. For if they fall, one will lift up his companion. But woe to him who is alone when he falls, For he has no one to help him up. Again, if two lie down together, they will keep warm; But how can one be warm alone? Though one may be overpowered by another, Two can withstand him. And a threefold cord is not quickly broken. Ecclesiastes...

What Matters….

What matters.  As I dig more into my ONE WORD for 2020 which is CONTEND, what matters tends to be the basis in every area of my life.   In my relationship with God…what matters? In my marriage, what matters?   In my home, what matters?  Within my church family, what matters?  In my work as a teacher, what matters?  I think that the “preacher” sums it up in Ecclesiastes 12:13-14 Let us hear the conclusion of the whole matter:   Fear God...

Focus…with ONE word

The “Resolutions of New Year” are quickly approaching.  It is a time for a fresh start or a “clean” slate. When the clock changes from 2019 to 2020, you want to do “things” better in the New Year. We want and desire change.   Resolutions though do NOT have a high rate of success.  As a matter of fact, research has shown that only around 10% of adults keep them after a few months.  I know for me personally, I fall...

The BIG Rock Wins!

Read any good books lately?  There is a stack sitting on my bookshelf just waiting to be read.  I’m in the middle of about four as this is being written.  One of those is “The Domino Effect” by Tim Lewis.  Those of you who regularly keep up with our facebook page have probably noticed a few quotes from this book.  It is one of those practical books that manages to make you think about simple things in a very personal...

A Legacy

On January 14, 1907, Joe D Nichols was born in a rural area near West, TX.  He grew up in a “farming” family where they operated several gins. When the depression hit, his family was terribly affected. It is understood that he moved to Haskell, TX around 1933, and then in the mid to late 1930’s, joined the Conservation Corps.   At the age of 35 he chose a different path—the Army.  He registered for the draft on October 16, 1940...


Several years ago, one of my students kept falling asleep in class.  It was frustrating.  He was a kid who had a reputation of being “tough”; not one of the other students would cross him.  Because of the “stigma” that came with him, I took his sleep habits as being disrespectful. UNTIL… We had a parent conference.  Little did I know he was babysitting his younger sister late at night so his mom could work (single family).  He wasn’t getting...

Commit to Winning…

I’ve got this brother who coaches football.  He wins.  A lot.  Let me tell you why.  He teaches the value of commitment, respect, teamwork and leadership.  This is not a little sister brag post…it is a little sister who has watched a man teach young men how to be leaders on and off the field.  Coach Jones “teaches that life is not about you as an individual…it is about what you have to offer the team”. We have the same...

The Storm

We had made it to Lubbock.  A long anticipated trip of spending time with family, meeting a new addition, loving on cousins, grandparents, aunts, and uncles, and starting to relax after a busy few months of activities we had chosen to participate in for the kids. A family outing—going to the drive in with everyone to see Toy Story 4–a movie I know my kids were excited about. The skies were blue, the wind wasn’t really blowing, and we arrived...