

My “Ode” to the Journey–A Sincere Heart

God desires from us sincerity..He wants us to have a sincere heart (Ephesians 6:5); a sincere mind (2 Peter 3:1), a sincere faith (1 Timothy 1:5), a sincere wisdom (James 3:17); a sincere devotion to Christ (2 Corinthians 11:3), and a sincere brotherly love for other Christians (1 Peter 1:22). That means He wants our whole heart in every area of our life.  He wants us to be authentic.  He wants us to be real. Most of you know that...

God Said No…

Prayer changes things.  A few weeks ago I posted on Facebook a picture of my “prayer board”.  It seemed like something a few of my friends might like to make for themselves because…I’ve got PRAYING friends!  These friends keep journals, lists, notecards, mirror notes, and notebooks filled with requests from those who know they are committed to their prayer life.  If you ask them to pray for you – IT IS DONE!  No need to worry that it will be...

A New Beginning Is Coming…

A New Beginning Is Coming… “Brothers and sister, I do not consider myself yet to have taken hold of it.  But one thing I do: Forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead, I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus. Philippians 3:13-14 a few thoughts that have been drifting about… Any way you look at it the past few weeks have been challenging.  Not everyone...

Yellow Begonias and COVID-19

Last Thursday, I stepped out of my COVID-19 comfort zone and headed to Sam’s Club for my monthly stock-up. I have done this since I was a young mother with three children born within four years. I keep a stocked pantry from those early habits as a young mom. This month looked very different for me. I took the option of going at 7 am with those over sixty or with special needs. My husband has cardiomyopathy and we have...

Finding the Quiet…

A few weeks ago, I was home alone. The entire night—I was home alone.  I can’t tell you the last time that happened; it was probably over 12 years ago.   The boys went on a trip to New Orleans for the Saints playoff game and Karis was asked to spend the night at a friend’s house.  I came home to an empty house (with the exception of three donkeys, two cows, two dogs, and 20 chickens) after coaching a basketball...

Friendship–Who is leading the navigation? (Part 2)

As a continued post from last week https://shelteredingrace.com/index.php/2020/02/03/nobetterfriendthanjesus/ We need each other.  That is a fact. But friendship is hard.  Relationships are hard. Satan knows the power of “each other”, and he does everything to try and separate. Two are better than one though.  And our greatest friend we should have is Jesus.  Every celebration.  Every tear.  Every heartache should be brought to Him–FIRST.  He will never fail you. And He, while leaving his heavenly home and came here on earth,...

Fear and The Roller Coaster…

His hands were shaking.  His heart was racing. Big puppy dog tears started streaming down his face.   He didn’t want to get on the ride.   Was the ride going to go fast?  Was it going to go slow? Would there be sharp turns?  Would it go backwards? Would it go upside down? The unknown had completely encompassed his 8 year old body and FEAR had now taken over.   This was what we experienced our first time at Disney over Fall...


If you follow me on social media, you will often see the hashtag, #teachmetonumbermydays. It is one of my go-to verses in scripture. I try to begin each day with the reminder, my days are numbered; let me use them well. Numbering your days is seasonal in our lives. When we are children and teens, we can’t wait to grow up and be adults. Upon reaching adulthood, we all hit a moment where we realize “adulting” is hard. We always...


Several years ago, one of my students kept falling asleep in class.  It was frustrating.  He was a kid who had a reputation of being “tough”; not one of the other students would cross him.  Because of the “stigma” that came with him, I took his sleep habits as being disrespectful. UNTIL… We had a parent conference.  Little did I know he was babysitting his younger sister late at night so his mom could work (single family).  He wasn’t getting...

Mama Bear

When my oldest son (he’s 36) was in fifth grade, he was having trouble with his science teacher’s instructions to put headings on his science notecards. He just couldn’t remember to put his name, section and chapter numbers in the right order on every notecard. It was starting to affect his grade so I suggested we meet with his teacher, Mrs. Culpepper and see what we needed to do. His teacher was my friend and colleague so I thought it...