

Focus…with ONE word

The “Resolutions of New Year” are quickly approaching.  It is a time for a fresh start or a “clean” slate. When the clock changes from 2019 to 2020, you want to do “things” better in the New Year. We want and desire change.   Resolutions though do NOT have a high rate of success.  As a matter of fact, research has shown that only around 10% of adults keep them after a few months.  I know for me personally, I fall...

The Game Plan…

The time to hit the hardwood has come to Middle Tennessee.  It is the “best” time of the year (coming from a basketball coach 🙂 ), and throughout the season we will endure growth, setbacks, and many opponents on the road to a state championship.   Our Christian walk is very similar in the fact that we will also ensure growth and setbacks as we press on to the goal, but one thing we need to remember is the only opponent...

Fear and The Roller Coaster…

His hands were shaking.  His heart was racing. Big puppy dog tears started streaming down his face.   He didn’t want to get on the ride.   Was the ride going to go fast?  Was it going to go slow? Would there be sharp turns?  Would it go backwards? Would it go upside down? The unknown had completely encompassed his 8 year old body and FEAR had now taken over.   This was what we experienced our first time at Disney over Fall...

A Pinterest Christianity Part II

Last month, I did a blog titled, A Pinterest Christianity. Many of you messaged me and shared the blog on your pages and with your friends. Some of you shared very personal experiences of inadequacy, frustration, anxiety, and pain of “living our best lives” (using social media terminology). Let me shout it from the rooftops “GET BEHIND US SATAN!”  Our stress and exhaustion are fed by the father of all lies. Once you are covered by the blood of a...

Embracing God in the Storm

August 24, 2013. The day that drastically changed my life. Just a normal Saturday that turned into one of the worst days of my existence.  I received the call every wife dreads – the call that says, “your husband has been in a car accident”.  Shock.  Denial.  Hysterical crying. The people around my apartment complex must have thought I was a crazy woman – I cannot begin to imagine the scene they witnessed.  A young woman walking her beagle (actually,...

That Kid …

“That Kid” brings memories, some good and some not-so-good for all of us. We all have stories of kids who stretched the boundaries, talked incessantly in school, broke the rules, challenged authority, took risks, made us laugh or cry…you fill in the memory bank. I have thirty years in education and many stories of “that kid”. When I was younger, I, unfortunately, judged those kids pretty harshly. I sometimes equated childish immaturity as a life sentence. I thought I had...


We live in a noisy world.  Our cell phones chirp, ding, ring, bark, honk, moo, quack….the list goes on.  I don’t know the last time I sat through anything where a phone did not make a sound.  Church included.  We get in the car and the radio plays, cars honk, children squeal.  Go to the movies and it’s surround sound loud enough to be heard 1/2 mile away (they have amazing soundproofing!).  We go to bed and a text comes...