

Choices & Grace

Two words have been wandering around my brain these past few weeks.  Choices and Grace.  Because of one we are in desperate need of the other. CHOICE…the act of making a decision These past few weeks have forced us to make choices we were not prepared for AND there are many more on the horizon.  Do I stay home?  Should I get out to buy groceries today?  How do I manage homeschooling along with work?  How soon can I get...

A New Beginning Is Coming…

A New Beginning Is Coming… “Brothers and sister, I do not consider myself yet to have taken hold of it.  But one thing I do: Forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead, I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus. Philippians 3:13-14 a few thoughts that have been drifting about… Any way you look at it the past few weeks have been challenging.  Not everyone...

Brave–Make it the “in” thing….

But __________ gets to do it? Why can’t I?   If you haven’t heard those words come out of your child’s mouth, the time will come.  For most of us, we have experienced it.   The fact is our children–from the time they hit school-aged to the time (well, let’s be honest here–adults)…this is a battle we will face.   The fear of rejection. The fear of not fitting in.   The fear of missing out.  (FOMO) It is real.  Satan knows how to...

COVID-19 For such a time as this

In 1982, my last grandparent passed away. Bobby and I had been married a year and we were asked to clean out her apartment in a retirement community. The family had come in and picked up the china, photos, and silverware. Cousins had grabbed mementos and all that was left was “stuff”. Our family told us to keep anything we needed as a young couple and donate the rest. It sounded simple enough but the experience changed my perspective quickly....

Friendship–No Better Friend Than Jesus (Part 1)

Two are better than one, Because they have a good reward for their labor. For if they fall, one will lift up his companion. But woe to him who is alone when he falls, For he has no one to help him up. Again, if two lie down together, they will keep warm; But how can one be warm alone? Though one may be overpowered by another, Two can withstand him. And a threefold cord is not quickly broken. Ecclesiastes...

What Matters….

What matters.  As I dig more into my ONE WORD for 2020 which is CONTEND, what matters tends to be the basis in every area of my life.   In my relationship with God…what matters? In my marriage, what matters?   In my home, what matters?  Within my church family, what matters?  In my work as a teacher, what matters?  I think that the “preacher” sums it up in Ecclesiastes 12:13-14 Let us hear the conclusion of the whole matter:   Fear God...


2020…thank you for coming.  I’ve been waiting for you, new beginnings.  This will probably be one of the more “open” blogs I’ve written.  2019 was a hard year.  In fact, things are just beginning to settle.  It was a year of goodbyes, sadness, exhaustion, feeling out of control, and questioning.  It was also a year of faith building, hope, trust, perseverance and growth. Each year I choose a word to focus on, study and strive to plant into my...

In this world you WILL have trouble…

Life is messy. Jesus plainly told us we would have trouble in this world BUT HE overcame the world. Conflict equals trouble in our modern world. Conflict-resolution, conflict-management, conflict-avoidance, conflict vs. bullying, and conflict-anxiety symptoms were some of the topics that ended up in my Google search bar when I did a search. There are college-degree programs with conflict resolution as a major. You cannot browse your social media feed without finding conflict within a minute or so. Twitter is...

Planes, Trains & Automobiles…

“If you could choose anywhere in the world to go, where would it be?  I need a travel partner.” That’s the question my mom asked me several years ago. Traveling with anyone other than the hubs is not really something I had ever considered.  Mom changed all of that.  A little backstory…My Dad loved traveling…to football games.  They went to a LOT of them.  Mom wanted to “see the world” but Dad had served in the Korean War and had...


If you follow me on social media, you will often see the hashtag, #teachmetonumbermydays. It is one of my go-to verses in scripture. I try to begin each day with the reminder, my days are numbered; let me use them well. Numbering your days is seasonal in our lives. When we are children and teens, we can’t wait to grow up and be adults. Upon reaching adulthood, we all hit a moment where we realize “adulting” is hard. We always...