

God is Present in the Details

A common colloquialism is “the devil is in the details”.  Just another way Satan is trying to usurp the throne.   GOD is PRESENT in the details! Studying the Bible I am regularly amazed at the details God interweaves into scripture, events and our personal lives. When we are introspective and DO NOT accept things at face value, we will see GOD.  He leaves his fingerprints during events for us to see and to know he is constantly working in our...

God gave Grace…

Every year I choose a word to study and consider.  A couple of years ago that word was grace and for several reasons,  I’ve returned to it.  For the last seven months….GRACE has been THE WORD I dwell on EVERY…SINGLE…DAY. Have you ever worked on something for awhile only to realize…”umm, this just isn’t working”?  A realization it is time to move on.  Last year, I worked with a friend on a project that really pushed me to grow.  It...

When Life Gets Messy…

When Life Gets Messy…Or…Job’s Friends Most of our life in scripture, we have had negative feelings and thoughts about Job’s friends.  In fact, they were condemned by God in Job 42:7-9 for their lengthy speeches. “After the Lord had said these things to Job, he said to Eliphaz the Temanite, “I am angry with you and your two friends, because you have not spoken the truth about me, as my servant Job has. So now take seven bulls and seven...

BIG Dreams, but a BIGGER God…

Sheltered – to be protected in – enclosed Grace – the favor of God Anidasa – HOPE in Ghanaian language of Twi Sheltered in Grace = HOPE for Ghana I believe in God’s family.  When blessed with an opportunity to help…we step up to the plate and get the job done.  That has been my experience throughout life with few exceptions.  Anyone who knows me understands that I am never shy when it comes to putting needs out there with...

Elijah moments…

PART ONE:  Elijah moments… If you ever ask me my favorite character in the Bible, I am quick to say, Elijah! My fondness for Elijah began about 15 years ago when I was looking for a topic to teach in ladies Bible class.  I felt the Lord led me directly to my kindred spirit. I identify so much with this prophet of old. Every few days, I tend to smile and call an event, “an Elijah moment”. Let me share...