

Sing and Be Happy

Often we sing this song in church. It used to be one of my favorites, probably because it was the one I first remembered learning. But I have discovered this song has a deeper meaning to me now than it did in 2019, or any year before. You have heard everyone say it, but I will type it yet again. 2020 will be a year to remember; and not necessarily for good reasons. This song has become very helpful and...

The Sound of Silence…

In 1964, Kitty Genovese was murdered in New York City.  She was stabbed and raped on her doorstep.  A neighbor, Karl Ross, heard noises and cracked his door to see what was happening.  He promptly shut the door and called a friend to ask what he should do.  The friend told him to not get involved.  Eventually Mr. Ross climbed out of his apartment window and went to his friends home.  It was there he finally called the police.  When...

A Gift From God; Purpose

Having purpose is Something I used to ponder, especially when I was little. How could something, maybe small or usually forgotten have a very important purpose or reason for existence? You hear it a lot when talking about mosquitos or other nuisances. Normally, people are quick to question why such a creature should ever live, even if they never knew how it could contribute to life. But what I believe is interesting, and something we should all think about often,...

God’s Beautiful Tapestry

When I was a little girl, I wanted a BIG happy family! I remember praying for it and imagining what it would be like. I thought a big family would solve the woes of my world. You see, I was pretty much an only child raised by my beloved grandmother. My parents were good people actually but they could not beat their demons of substance abuse the first sixteen years of my life. As with most folks without God in...

From my heart about racism today

I with the rest of America was broken watching George Floyd beg for breath in his last moments. I heard the anger, the protests, the pain. I can’t write. I can’t think clearly. I unplugged from social media after a former student hurled racism at me for not posting sooner; I was stunned. I turned off the news when the “spin” became louder than the situation. I am a child of the integration years in Little Rock. Busing, segregation, and...

God Said No…

Prayer changes things.  A few weeks ago I posted on Facebook a picture of my “prayer board”.  It seemed like something a few of my friends might like to make for themselves because…I’ve got PRAYING friends!  These friends keep journals, lists, notecards, mirror notes, and notebooks filled with requests from those who know they are committed to their prayer life.  If you ask them to pray for you – IT IS DONE!  No need to worry that it will be...

Planting Seeds of Forgiveness…

When Joseph’s brothers saw their father was dead, they said, “What if Joseph holds a grudge against us and pays us back for all the wrongs we did to him?”  So they sent word to Joseph, saying, “Your father left these instructions before he died: ‘This is what you are to say to Joseph: I ask you to forgive your brothers the sins and the wrongs they committed in treating you so badly.’  Now please forgive the sins of the...

Choices & Grace

Two words have been wandering around my brain these past few weeks.  Choices and Grace.  Because of one we are in desperate need of the other. CHOICE…the act of making a decision These past few weeks have forced us to make choices we were not prepared for AND there are many more on the horizon.  Do I stay home?  Should I get out to buy groceries today?  How do I manage homeschooling along with work?  How soon can I get...

A New Beginning Is Coming…

A New Beginning Is Coming… “Brothers and sister, I do not consider myself yet to have taken hold of it.  But one thing I do: Forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead, I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus. Philippians 3:13-14 a few thoughts that have been drifting about… Any way you look at it the past few weeks have been challenging.  Not everyone...

Yellow Begonias and COVID-19

Last Thursday, I stepped out of my COVID-19 comfort zone and headed to Sam’s Club for my monthly stock-up. I have done this since I was a young mother with three children born within four years. I keep a stocked pantry from those early habits as a young mom. This month looked very different for me. I took the option of going at 7 am with those over sixty or with special needs. My husband has cardiomyopathy and we have...