

The Blessing Of COVID-19

We have been bombarded since March with negative news, dire predictions, financial hardships, and an unsettling uncertainty for the future. Personally, I have struggled with anxious and racing thoughts. I am still mired in uncertainty and overwhelmed feelings planning for a new school year. But what does this look from Heaven’s point of view? What if our forced quarantine, time off, shutdown was a gift to our weary generation? We have oft thought that we were the busiest generation in...

Yellow Begonias and COVID-19

Last Thursday, I stepped out of my COVID-19 comfort zone and headed to Sam’s Club for my monthly stock-up. I have done this since I was a young mother with three children born within four years. I keep a stocked pantry from those early habits as a young mom. This month looked very different for me. I took the option of going at 7 am with those over sixty or with special needs. My husband has cardiomyopathy and we have...

COVID-19 For such a time as this

In 1982, my last grandparent passed away. Bobby and I had been married a year and we were asked to clean out her apartment in a retirement community. The family had come in and picked up the china, photos, and silverware. Cousins had grabbed mementos and all that was left was “stuff”. Our family told us to keep anything we needed as a young couple and donate the rest. It sounded simple enough but the experience changed my perspective quickly....

When Advent meets Emmanuel and cries Maranatha

The Christmas of 1986 will always be my foundation of faith. I can’t ever remember not believing in God as a child. My grandmother made sure I was in the pews in her arms. I was a member of the youth group, went to a Christian college, married a strong Christian man and by December of 1986 had two beautiful babies and a third on the way. Life was really good and in hindsight going to change into something I...

In this world you WILL have trouble…

Life is messy. Jesus plainly told us we would have trouble in this world BUT HE overcame the world. Conflict equals trouble in our modern world. Conflict-resolution, conflict-management, conflict-avoidance, conflict vs. bullying, and conflict-anxiety symptoms were some of the topics that ended up in my Google search bar when I did a search. There are college-degree programs with conflict resolution as a major. You cannot browse your social media feed without finding conflict within a minute or so. Twitter is...


If you follow me on social media, you will often see the hashtag, #teachmetonumbermydays. It is one of my go-to verses in scripture. I try to begin each day with the reminder, my days are numbered; let me use them well. Numbering your days is seasonal in our lives. When we are children and teens, we can’t wait to grow up and be adults. Upon reaching adulthood, we all hit a moment where we realize “adulting” is hard. We always...

Mama Bear

When my oldest son (he’s 36) was in fifth grade, he was having trouble with his science teacher’s instructions to put headings on his science notecards. He just couldn’t remember to put his name, section and chapter numbers in the right order on every notecard. It was starting to affect his grade so I suggested we meet with his teacher, Mrs. Culpepper and see what we needed to do. His teacher was my friend and colleague so I thought it...

Don’t You Dare…

Don’t YOU dare take my word… When I was 20 years old, I was a student in a Bible class at my Christian University.  I did not come from a “churched” background and I was soaking up lots of amazing teachers and preachers that were shaping me into my role in the kingdom.  I took copious notes, read lots of books, immersed myself in Chapel services, highlighted my verses, took notes in the margins and took full advantage of my...

Elijah moments…

PART ONE:  Elijah moments… If you ever ask me my favorite character in the Bible, I am quick to say, Elijah! My fondness for Elijah began about 15 years ago when I was looking for a topic to teach in ladies Bible class.  I felt the Lord led me directly to my kindred spirit. I identify so much with this prophet of old. Every few days, I tend to smile and call an event, “an Elijah moment”. Let me share...