A Gift From God; Purpose

June 23, 2020

Having purpose is Something I used to ponder, especially when I was little. How could something, maybe small or usually forgotten have a very important purpose or reason for existence? You hear it a lot when talking about mosquitos or other nuisances. Normally, people are quick to question why such a creature should ever live, even if they never knew how it could contribute to life. But what I believe is interesting, and something we should all think about often, is that each and every object, creature, or thing has a purpose which was a gift given directly from God.

I’ve always had this thought, that there are some topics or subjects that stand out to certain Christians. For me, one has always been the relationship one individual has with God. It’s the depths of the conversations and understanding God’s values and always respecting them. When we do certain things and act in certain ways, we can easily offend God, and treat that relationship without much respect. All this to say, that when we have a good relationship with God, it includes respecting the gifts and blessing he has given us. Which leads us to the word for the week, a gift from God; Purpose.

There are many many bible verses that, when put together, help illustrate what the purpose in our lives is. 1 Peter 2:9 says, “But you are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, God’s special possession, that you may declare the praises of him who called you out of darkness into his wonderful light.” This verse tells us that having purpose includes a job that must be done. It shows that purpose is meant for certain people, who is you and me. And It reveals that purpose is given from a certain being, who is God.

We read throughout the Bible of God sending certain people to do certain things. Like when He sent Moses to deliver the Israelites from Egypt and when He told Ananias to retrieve Saul. God has given all people of the earth a purpose to fulfill. And although we all may have a different purpose, there is one big one, meant for all to fulfill, that is the same for every Christian.

So, what is our purpose exactly?

Maybe you have asked yourself this question lately.

Maybe you are lost in what’s right, and what’s actually beneficial. But to tell the truth, the answer is quite simple. Our purpose is to glorify God in all things. Proclaim his name in all places. And do his will no matter the circumstance. We are to lift all glory and praise to him, and bring others along with us. Others, being all people. The Jews and the Gentiles. The republicans and the democrats. All the shades that walk on this earth. That is our purpose. God is our reason for how we behave, how we talk, and where we go. He is the reason we live, love, and pray the way we do. He gives us our purpose, and we live our life to fulfill it the best we possibly can. Yes, it can sometimes be difficult. But just like 1 Corinthians 10:13 says, God doesn’t throw temptations our way that are impossible to escape. He always provides a way out, a way which can be filled with praising Him and learning more about His word.

So let’s all encourage one another as we live a life according to the purpose God has given us. Let’s uplift those who are struggling and pray that we all fulfill His purpose in a way that is pleasing to Him.

Galatians 6:2, “Bear one another’s burdens and so fulfill the law of Christ.”


More about Lauralee Simmons

Lauralee is a junior at Katy High School and fills her plate with musical instruments and FFA. Lauralee enjoys Tuesday night bible studies with her youth group, leading devotional thoughts, singing, and just hanging out with like-minded youth. In her spare time she meditates on God’s word through bible journaling and her blog, Lauralee’s Raes.