My Identity

April 30, 2019

Three Questions to Ponder Daily:

  • Who am I?
  • Do I like who I am becoming?  
  • Am I pleasing to God?

My days are spent with “almost” teenagers from ages 12 to 18, and those three questions are a struggle for them.  To be honest, those questions I struggle with as well. Just what is our “identity”?

Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect.  Romans 12:2

Two words pop out when reading that verse.  

Conformed:  be similar in form

Transformed:  make a dramatic change

We are dramatically supposed to look different from the rest of the world.  

So just how do I put my identity in Christ? Here are some suggestions:

We need to realize what our “baseline” is first.  Are you anchored to Him? Are you willing to put aside what the world may say is acceptable and good and hold to His truths through the inspired word? So much in our world is skewed.  What is acceptable by the world is forced into the storylines of books, tv series, and movies causing us to be sometimes be “immune” to it or change who we desire to be to “fit” in. One thing is true:  What someone says of you or to you is opinion. What His Word says is NOT. 2 Timothy 3:16; 2 Peter 1:20

Renew Your Mind.  Research says that we have 60,000 to 80,000 thoughts per day.  Our mind is a powerful tool regarding our identity. As a matter of fact, scripture many times refers back to the mind.  Try my mind and my heart (Psalm 26:2). Whose mind is stayed on You (Isaiah 26:3). Set their minds on the things of the flesh…but to be spiritually minded (Romans 8:5-7).  2 Corinthians 10:5 was a conversation with a dear friend a couple of weeks ago. “We take captive every thought and make it obedient to Christ.” EVERY THOUGHT needs to be made obedient to Christ.  Every 60,000 to 80,000 you make a day. If it isn’t, what do you do? Fill it with Phillipians 4:8 principles! Whatever is true…Whatever is Whatever is honorable…Whatever is just…whatever is pure…whatever is lovely..whatever is commendable…if there is any excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things.  Imagine your “identity” if your mind is set right….

Choose Your Surroundings Wisely.  Friends, peer pressure, what you set your eyes upon.  These all are a major decisions that mold who we are. Have a circle like Jesus, Mary, Martha, and Lazarus had together.  It was a friendship of honesty…and truth…to help one another. Look to Daniel and his friends when times of peer pressure seem to surround you and you aren’t sure of a way out.  And if you see yourself comparing your gifts to another, STOP. God made you UNIQUE and for a purpose.


When you are evaluating your identity, are you conformed to the world or do you look completely different?  Who you are isn’t based on an opinion of someone living here on earth.  It is based on Whose You Are! Live for Him! That is where your true peace will reside.  Remember to:  Choose your surroundings wisely, Renew Your Mind, and set your Baseline appropriately–anchored to Him!!


Anchored to Him,

Leigh Ann



One way of helping me be anchored to Him in my identity is by  personalizing scripture and remembering the promises He has given us.  It renews our mind!  Post it on your mirror, write it the notes of your phone and look at it before you call, text, or whatever you do on there :), or print them out and put it somewhere you see frequently!


My weaknesses are opportunties to depend on Christ (2 Corinthians 12:9)

God created me to shine for Him. (Matthew 5:14-16)

God’s love toward me is tremendous! (Psalm 86:13)

Your challenge:  Comment below with a personalized verse of promise that you want to own for a chance to win an Anchored Tervis Cup!  We will choose a winner and send you a nice little gift!




More about Leigh Ann Nichols