Often we sing this song in church. It used to be one of my favorites, probably because it was the one I first remembered learning. But I have discovered this song has a deeper meaning to me now than it did in 2019, or any year before. You have heard everyone say it, but I will type it yet again. 2020 will be a year to remember; and not necessarily for good reasons. This song has become very helpful and encouraging during these current times we have faced, so I suggest we break down what the song says, and take note of the hope that these words can bring to us.
To better understand the encouragement of this hymn, let’s take a brief paragraph to remember what this year has looked like so far. We started off with Australia wildfires and the death of a globally famous basketball player. Then went from one positive COVID-19 test, to a pandemic that spread world wide. This year has had constant trials and tribulations that have effected the normal day to day life that we live….or at least used to. Not only have we dealt with a world wide sickness, but also nationwide division. Between the political fight and separate races, our country has become a war zone of differing opinions. The world has continued to become even more and more “worldly”. But there is still hope that we can grab onto.

1. Press along to the goal. What does this look like amidst a world full of negative energy? We must remain faithful during these trying times, even if when we look around, it may be hard to spot Jesus. It has been very recent, that I have related to Peter walking on water so much. While Peter had his eyes on Jesus, he was able to walk on the water with complete faith that God was in control. But once he felt the wind blow harder, see the waves grow stronger, and hear the thunder roar louder, his eyes fell away from Jesus, and his faith became little. Just like Peter, we can look around us and see the horrible things that seem to only grow stronger. Or, we can focus our eyes upon Him, and press toward our common goal.
2. Trust in him. For God leads the way. I’ve recently noticed that every person has their own opinion on the coronavirus. Whether they believe it’s real or not, or if masks truly are necessary. Every news channel tells the story differently, and every doctor has different numbers to publicize. Nobody really knows who to believe or what to listen to. But what I believe is very simple, yet overlooked through this pandemic, is that there is a being who has the answers, who knows what’s right. With all the uncertainty going around, it gives me so much hope knowing there is a God who will protect us when we put our trust in Him.
“When I am afraid, I put my trust in you.”
Psalm 56:3
3. Let the world know where you belong. It’s very important to understand that we have been given a tremendous opportunity to reach out to those who are in the world. It is now, more than ever that people are truly realizing the importance of the life they are living. It is our duty, just as we have been commanded, to go out into the world and preach the gospel. While people notice that the human life is a delicate thing, we have the opportunity to show them the way which they can come home. The way which is away from the world, and into Christ. The way which is where we truly belong.
4. Look to Jesus and pray. Simple, simple words. Yet often times, very easily overlooked. Just as I’ve stated that we must trust in God, look towards our goal, and bring others with us, it is also important that we remember the simple things which are often taken for granted. It’s easy to give thanks to God when I’m laying comfortably in my bed, under a roof. But when I’m sick and unable to see my loved ones? Or when I can no longer find good in the world I’m surrounded by? It is in these times, more than ever that our prayer life can so easily be affected. It is in these times which people may truly see the power of prayer. Let’s continue to pray for our current situation, and encourage others to do the same.
5. Lift your voice and praise Him in song. Just as prayer is often overlooked, the praise we lift to God through song can easily be underrated. I don’t know about you, but song is one of my most favorite types of encouragement. It’s when we are singing with likeminded Christians that I get chills down my spine. It is in those times which I become truly amazed and fulfilled by the glory and power of God. And it is in the times that the world is currently facing, where I realize how much I miss it. I realize how truly impactful singing is in my life. Even though the news has nothing good to say anymore, there is still good news to sing about.
So, as we continue to take our situation day by day, let us remember the simple words this hymn reminds us of. Let us cling to the hope of heaven, and put our faith and trust in the one true God. Let us praise his glorious name and show others where we truly belong. Let us pray to the almighty creator of the universe, and thank him for that which we still have.
July 22, 2020Lauralee- wow! You’ve done it again- such wise and encouraging words from someone so young. What an inspiration you are! Amazing!
Mona Kalu
July 23, 2020Lauralee! You are a blessing to our generation!
Ride on girl!
Cynthia Cedeño
July 23, 2020Thanks for this encouragement! I needed it today. I love your ❤️