September 27, 2020


Zeal–Lessons from a Campfire

We bought a camper.   I had never “been camping,” so the thought of supplies we would need and the ins and outs were a little cumbersome.   Turns out, you can still have fun if you forget the ketchup.   You can “bake” biscuits on the stovetop if you can’t figure out how to get the oven to work.   You can buy mattress pads to help alleviate the hardness so your bones don’t crack when the sun rises.   But, if you can’t...

My Mixer for the Master

I come from a long line of excellent cooks. Women who have signature recipes that always seem to be the first to disappear at a church potluck.  Women who know just the perfect meal to drop by for a new mother and are the first to make sure a funeral luncheon is properly presented.  They make picture perfect pie crusts. Perhaps you come from women like this too.  They preach their sermons of love as they prepare a good, hearty...

For all the daughters

To my granddaughters: Ana, Sullivan, Andersyn, Spencer-Kate, and Hattie; to my strong daughters: Lindsey, Kate, Erin and Julia, and all the beautiful daughters in my life that I have taught and loved in my sixty years… Cardi B, Beyonce, and Cuties do not define you. It is not empowering to become an object for people to discard. Objects are discarded; people have eternal souls. For the last hundred years or so, women have sacrificed their souls on the altar of...

Back Up with Confidence!

Census taking in rural America is quite an adventure. For the past couple of weeks I’ve been one of those pesky people knocking on your door to ask for information you would prefer not to share. Some responses have been interesting, some pretty normal, some insulting and others quite bizarre. I’ve driven approximately 60-80 miles a day looking for “grey house on CR-4140” or “RR 1 – no mailbox – brick home” or my personal favorite “FM-1550 house in pasture”....