For all the daughters

September 13, 2020

To my granddaughters: Ana, Sullivan, Andersyn, Spencer-Kate, and Hattie; to my strong daughters: Lindsey, Kate, Erin and Julia, and all the beautiful daughters in my life that I have taught and loved in my sixty years…

Cardi B, Beyonce, and Cuties do not define you. It is not empowering to become an object for people to discard. Objects are discarded; people have eternal souls. For the last hundred years or so, women have sacrificed their souls on the altar of the entertainment world only to find themselves empty and lost when the lights go down and the audiences dwindle. Remember Marilyn Monroe, Judy Garland, Amy Winehouse, or Brittany Spears. Hollywood only has happy endings in the movies.

You are not defined by your looks, your weight, or your clothing style. You will be remembered by your grace, your mercy, and your love for others. Walk away from mirrors. As with Snow White, they lie to us.

You are smart and strong. You have the ability to make good decisions when your mind is at peace with God. Do nothing when scared or angry or emotional. Wait, just wait and sometimes wait some more. The Lord doesn’t answer when we think he should. He answers when it is right.

There are seasons in your life. Enjoy each one but do not trust that it defines you. I will promise you that none of us would go back to middle school. Do not wish each season to pass before its time. It was a season for a reason for making you who you are in the kingdom. Every mother on Earth struggled through the newborn days but look back at that time later with awe and respect.

Find something you love to do and do it! Throw yourself into it. You will find it is a God-given part of who you are in the kingdom.

Wait for a man who loves Jesus more than he loves you. He’s the one. Wait for the man that treats you like a daughter of the King!

There is nothing you can’t do or get through when you rest safely in the arms of Jesus. He will support you in ways you have never dreamed of. You are never alone! Hard times will come. Prepare for them. Hide scriptures and hymns in your heart. They will come out when you need them most.

Worship especially when you don’t feel like it. Be grateful when you don’t want to be.

Pray. Talk to God. Simple prayers, rambling prayers, desperate prayers, confused prayers all enter the throne room. The Spirit intercedes for you personally.

Laugh. Eat. Play. Smile. Sing. Dance.

Cry when you need to. Jesus wept for Lazarus and HE knew the ending already.

Know that some things are not made right this side of heaven. They just won’t. All things work for good in the Kingdom but it never says all things are good. Don’t let it fester. Let it heal knowing all things will be used for the Kingdom. God never wastes our tears. He holds them in the cup of his hand for us.

And remember you are part of a long line of women that placed their lives in the hands of God. The blessings of God are generational. Remember where you have been, where you are going, and who you belong to. Your long line of faith has prayed for you before you knew you needed it. Go serve someone today. God has already placed them there for you. Maranatha! Jayme

More about Jayme Stokes

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