Restore the Garden

February 20, 2021

One of the things I hear from so many people is what is my purpose? Why did God put me here? I think we can find the answer when we look back at the story of creation. God created us in His image, to connect to each other and to him, and to care for his creation.

We are all creators. And rightfully so because we are made in the image of our Creator. We are made in the image of a God who dreams big dreams, has a wild imagination, and can do the impossible.

We can see God speaking his creation into being in Genesis 1. His big, beautiful creation that He intended for joy. I believe our purpose here on Earth can be summed up in one simple phrase. Restore the garden.

In the garden, we see beauty. We see systems for provision and purpose, and we see peace. We see connection between Adam and Eve and direct connection to God. The beginning of God’s story opens with a vision of what was meant to be.

We all face disappointment when something we had our heart set on is ruined. Plans stomped on. Progress set back. There is no doubt God felt the same way as He saw his beautiful world degenerate into sin, rebelliousness, and heartache. God’s beautiful gift was ruined, but He did not give up on us. He set his plan of redemption in motion. A plan made before the world began. He redeemed His world through Jesus.

So, what can we learn from this? He did not give up and neither should we. In our little time and place, look for the ways you can restore the garden for one another. Create beauty. There is not a doubt in my mind that the garden was a sight to behold.

When we create beauty in the world, we are leaning fully into connection with our creator and in a small way, restoring a corner of this fallen world. Beauty inspires and hope brings joy. How can you make the world a
more beautiful place? Artists, florists, gardeners, are all gifted to help us see the beauty in the world.

Maybe you can make things beautiful with paint or yarn or just about anything you can find in a Hobby Lobby? Perhaps you are a photographer with a gift of capturing beautiful moments. Maybe you are a
hairdresser that helps someone see the beauty in themselves.

Create systems. The garden was also a place of peace and provision. God had systems in place so that Adam and Eve had everything needed. Perhaps you are gifted in logistics and efficiency—a maven of organization. These are our friends whose gifts are many times overlooked, but for someone, you are restoring the peace of the garden. If you are faithfully managing your money so your family has everything they need, you are restoring the provision of the garden.

Create Connection. One of the greatest losses we experienced in the garden was the loss of connection. In an instant, what was intended to be a deep friendship turned into finger pointing at the first sin. Even more so, the ability to walk and talk with God was lost too. We crave connection because we were created for the purpose of connection. Our main purpose here on Earth is to be friends with God. When you are praying with a friend, counseling someone, or just having someone over for supper and practicing hospitality, you are restoring the connection God intended us to have with each other.

When we spend time in the Word and in prayer, we are connecting with God in a way that is truly incredible. That is truly the greatest part of restoring the garden that we can participate in and we are given that gift through the sacrifice of Jesus.

Share the gospel. Show others how God is working in your own life. Encourage a friend back who has lost their way. Create beauty and peace. God has a corner of the garden he needs you to tend and has tucked that unique calling in your heart.

Big dreams and brave hearts,


More about Jenn Tolbert