a mom looking back

March 13, 2021

For Christmas our younger son and family gave their grandparents the gift of “StoryWorth”. Each week a question comes by email and they reply to the question. At the end of the year a book will be published with all these memories. My (Lee Ann) mom has had such great fun wandering down memory lane and retelling her stories. She was telling me about this weeks question and I felt it was worth sharing with each of you. Simple advice from a mom of four who has nearly 9 decades of experiences behind her.

Donna What is your best advice when it comes to raising children?

Oh boy! This topic certainly brings back memories – of things I think I did right, but of many things I would like to change and improve. I want to stay positive so here goes. Here is my advice: Be________________.

    Be positive! No matter how you feel when you wake up, make negativity an enemy in your home, don’t let it live there.

    Be consistent! If you make a rule, follow through EVERY time. Otherwise, don’t make it. If you make a promise, keep it, EVERY time. Otherwise, don’t make it.

    Be patient! Your kids will make mistakes (you will too). Be patient with both of you. It is so easy to lash out in anger and say things that accomplish absolutely nothing good. Say only those words that will benefit and teach your child.

    Be forgiving and understanding! This goes along very closely to patience, just mentioned. Remember that your children are thinking and reasoning with very young minds while yours should be a bit wiser.

    Be interested! It is important to listen to your children, let them share their trials and tribulations with the people they love the most. They need to hear your advice – and your praise. The dinner table is a really great place for sharing for the entire family.

    Be united! Fathers and Mothers MUST be ONE where children are concerned! They must present a united front before their young ones, even when they have differences. Children are very perceptive and very good at sensing such things – they are also very good at taking advantage of any divide they sense. If you have differences concerning your precious charges, work them out in private – never within earshot of the kids.

    The Be(s) I have mentioned are important, but I believe the following are the foundation stones upon which a happy home is built.

    Be devoted! With all your heart, mind, soul, be devoted to God first and to your family always. Show this to your children. Practice what you preach. Don’t worship our Lord at 10 a.m.and swear at the nearby driver on your ride home. Set aside devotion time in your busy lives EVERY DAY. This is essential! Read the Bible, pray, sing! Share meaningful experiences, ask for their thoughts, let them participate. You may be surprised at the depth of their insight.

    Be loving! Never miss an opportunity for a hug, a pat on the back, a “hey, good job”. Never tire of saying “I love you”, “You are so special”, “God loves you”, “I am so proud of you”. Love is the glue that holds a family together. Use it in abundance.

“Be completely humble and gentle; be patient, bearing with one another in love.”

Ephesians 4:2

from the heart of a mom a grand and a great,


More about Donna Jones