

Fear and The Roller Coaster…

His hands were shaking.  His heart was racing. Big puppy dog tears started streaming down his face.   He didn’t want to get on the ride.   Was the ride going to go fast?  Was it going to go slow? Would there be sharp turns?  Would it go backwards? Would it go upside down? The unknown had completely encompassed his 8 year old body and FEAR had now taken over.   This was what we experienced our first time at Disney over Fall...


If you follow me on social media, you will often see the hashtag, #teachmetonumbermydays. It is one of my go-to verses in scripture. I try to begin each day with the reminder, my days are numbered; let me use them well. Numbering your days is seasonal in our lives. When we are children and teens, we can’t wait to grow up and be adults. Upon reaching adulthood, we all hit a moment where we realize “adulting” is hard. We always...

Embracing God in the Storm

August 24, 2013. The day that drastically changed my life. Just a normal Saturday that turned into one of the worst days of my existence.  I received the call every wife dreads – the call that says, “your husband has been in a car accident”.  Shock.  Denial.  Hysterical crying. The people around my apartment complex must have thought I was a crazy woman – I cannot begin to imagine the scene they witnessed.  A young woman walking her beagle (actually,...

Loved. Anchored. Purpose.

When to steal.  How to hold a runner on base.   Run on dropped third strike.   1st baseman needs to be ready.  You are covering 2nd.   Passed balls at home plate.   Don’t worry about the baserunner.   Step off the base when you are pitching.  Whew. This past weekend was the 1st kid pitch tournament experience for our 8 (9 year old in February).  It is a lot to think about for the boys—and for the coaches. Going from coach pitch situation...


The tears were streaming.  You could tell she was scared. Getting “lost” on the second day of kindergarten at dismissal was not what Karis had in mind that day.   It also wasn’t what she had in mind the fourth full day of kindergarten either.   She knows the surroundings–I work there and she spends quite a bit of time up in the hallways, but somehow she was sidetracked and she was “lost”.   So what about us?   A question in Genesis 3:9...

Dead to Alive, Deer, and Weeds–A lesson from Rockin’ N Farms

We moved out to a little acreage in Tennessee four years ago this October and call our little haven Rockin’ N Farms.  We have added animals (cows, goats, donkeys, chickens)–and have many stories to tell……….. One of our first summers out here, my husband Jody decided to plow up some land for me to have a garden.  It was massive (which may have been in the eyes of the beholder)…and I lost total control of it.  Household duties, summer activities,...

The Storm

We had made it to Lubbock.  A long anticipated trip of spending time with family, meeting a new addition, loving on cousins, grandparents, aunts, and uncles, and starting to relax after a busy few months of activities we had chosen to participate in for the kids. A family outing—going to the drive in with everyone to see Toy Story 4–a movie I know my kids were excited about. The skies were blue, the wind wasn’t really blowing, and we arrived...

My Identity

Three Questions to Ponder Daily: Who am I? Do I like who I am becoming?   Am I pleasing to God? My days are spent with “almost” teenagers from ages 12 to 18, and those three questions are a struggle for them.  To be honest, those questions I struggle with as well. Just what is our “identity”? Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what...