

We Bought a Mower

There are things in life that should be taken slowly. Mowing is one of those things. Some of my favorite things to do on the farm are brush hogging and mowing. You get instant gratification, time alone to just consider life and necessary work gets done. One thing I love about being on the tractor or mower is the slowness of it. Life is fast. There is always something to do and somewhere to be. Mowing provides a respite against...

Restore the Garden

One of the things I hear from so many people is what is my purpose? Why did God put me here? I think we can find the answer when we look back at the story of creation. God created us in His image, to connect to each other and to him, and to care for his creation. We are all creators. And rightfully so because we are made in the image of our Creator. We are made in the image...

A Gift From God; Purpose

Having purpose is Something I used to ponder, especially when I was little. How could something, maybe small or usually forgotten have a very important purpose or reason for existence? You hear it a lot when talking about mosquitos or other nuisances. Normally, people are quick to question why such a creature should ever live, even if they never knew how it could contribute to life. But what I believe is interesting, and something we should all think about often,...

That Kid …

“That Kid” brings memories, some good and some not-so-good for all of us. We all have stories of kids who stretched the boundaries, talked incessantly in school, broke the rules, challenged authority, took risks, made us laugh or cry…you fill in the memory bank. I have thirty years in education and many stories of “that kid”. When I was younger, I, unfortunately, judged those kids pretty harshly. I sometimes equated childish immaturity as a life sentence. I thought I had...