Leigh Ann Nichols's


The Storm

We had made it to Lubbock.  A long anticipated trip of spending time with family, meeting a new addition, loving on cousins, grandparents, aunts, and uncles, and starting to relax after a busy few months of activities we had chosen to participate in for the kids. A family outing—going to the drive in with everyone to see Toy Story 4–a movie I know my kids were excited about. The skies were blue, the wind wasn’t really blowing, and we arrived...

Turning the World Upside Down….

I think we can agree that we all want the world we live in to be a better place.  Sometimes the thought of it may cause headaches—it is too big of a task…too big of a job for me.  The thing is:  You were MADE to make a difference.  Ephesians 2:10 helps break that down.  “For we are His worksmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand that we should walk in them.”  You were put...

My Identity

Three Questions to Ponder Daily: Who am I? Do I like who I am becoming?   Am I pleasing to God? My days are spent with “almost” teenagers from ages 12 to 18, and those three questions are a struggle for them.  To be honest, those questions I struggle with as well. Just what is our “identity”? Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what...

Moved With Compassion

It was a car trip home one day after school and a big bug was buzzing around the cab.  Our daughter–who was 4 at the time, was screaming, visibly upset because she thought it was going to sting her, and one of her other siblings in the back kept his nose in the book completely unaware of what was going on and her distress.  He didn’t move. He didn’t acknowledge her and what she was going through. It is easy...

Battling Through Obstacles

It was mile 11.1.  Exactly two to go. And quite frankly, I didn’t want to go anymore.  I had battled through an injury training for this half marathon, and even though my pace was on track for one of my best times, my body started shutting down and I lost track of the “why’s” and purpose. Sometimes life can be like this.  We battle through obstacles, sometimes many at the same time, and it is hard to put that next...

Anchored with Hope During the Storms

We are on a journey here on earth.  This journey will have its mountain highs and valleys low…trials…tribulations… It will have calm.  It will have storms. Some storms we have will be self-imposed. Some storms will be there when we are doing what we have been directed to do.  When we read through Matthew 14:22-30, we see that the disciples meet a storm AFTER being told to get in the boat ahead of their Master (Jesus) so He could pray. ...