

What is in your book?

John 21:25 “Jesus did many other things as well. If every one of them were written down, I suppose that even the whole world would not have room for the books that would be written.” Two dear friends of mine have recently lost their husbands. It is heartbreaking, hard and so sad for those left here on this earth. But, as Christians, we find hope in the lives that were lived while on earth…we find our healing in the “book...

For all the Sons

A couple of months ago, I wrote a blog to the daughters. It was widely shared and I have wanted to write one to all the sons in my life. The grandboys weren’t too keen on getting together for a ‘boy” picture, but when we dressed in Star Wars pajamas, WIN! To Ezra, Parker, Tucker and Jameson; to my one-and-only son Jarod, to my beloved sons-in-love Curtis and Clay, and all the amazing sons in my life that I have...

The Vine Project

I called it “The Vine Project.” It sounds like a cool, new program at church or a new group on Christian radio, doesn’t it? Unfortunately, it was just me, traipsing through our woods in rubber rain boots with a pair of borrowed gardening shears, trying to free my trees from thorny vines that had grown around them. After six years of unintentional neglect, these vines weren’t going down without a fight. It started when my neighbor knocked on my door...

Zeal–Lessons from a Campfire

We bought a camper.   I had never “been camping,” so the thought of supplies we would need and the ins and outs were a little cumbersome.   Turns out, you can still have fun if you forget the ketchup.   You can “bake” biscuits on the stovetop if you can’t figure out how to get the oven to work.   You can buy mattress pads to help alleviate the hardness so your bones don’t crack when the sun rises.   But, if you can’t...

For all the daughters

To my granddaughters: Ana, Sullivan, Andersyn, Spencer-Kate, and Hattie; to my strong daughters: Lindsey, Kate, Erin and Julia, and all the beautiful daughters in my life that I have taught and loved in my sixty years… Cardi B, Beyonce, and Cuties do not define you. It is not empowering to become an object for people to discard. Objects are discarded; people have eternal souls. For the last hundred years or so, women have sacrificed their souls on the altar of...

From my heart about racism today

I with the rest of America was broken watching George Floyd beg for breath in his last moments. I heard the anger, the protests, the pain. I can’t write. I can’t think clearly. I unplugged from social media after a former student hurled racism at me for not posting sooner; I was stunned. I turned off the news when the “spin” became louder than the situation. I am a child of the integration years in Little Rock. Busing, segregation, and...

Choices & Grace

Two words have been wandering around my brain these past few weeks.  Choices and Grace.  Because of one we are in desperate need of the other. CHOICE…the act of making a decision These past few weeks have forced us to make choices we were not prepared for AND there are many more on the horizon.  Do I stay home?  Should I get out to buy groceries today?  How do I manage homeschooling along with work?  How soon can I get...

Unfriended…Can we have a conversation please?

Unfriended.  My offense?  A political comment had been posted and the thread was going south quickly.  The potential for hurt feelings was very likely and the fallout could affect relationships.  I commented “you may want to consider where this thread is headed, the potential for divisiveness is high and there could be some badly hurt feelings”. For the Christian, there is absolutely no place on social media for divisiveness of any kind.  The world is watching…and often what they see...

Moved With Compassion

It was a car trip home one day after school and a big bug was buzzing around the cab.  Our daughter–who was 4 at the time, was screaming, visibly upset because she thought it was going to sting her, and one of her other siblings in the back kept his nose in the book completely unaware of what was going on and her distress.  He didn’t move. He didn’t acknowledge her and what she was going through. It is easy...

Battling Through Obstacles

It was mile 11.1.  Exactly two to go. And quite frankly, I didn’t want to go anymore.  I had battled through an injury training for this half marathon, and even though my pace was on track for one of my best times, my body started shutting down and I lost track of the “why’s” and purpose. Sometimes life can be like this.  We battle through obstacles, sometimes many at the same time, and it is hard to put that next...